The Best Whole 30 Recipes (2024)

A compilation of what I consider to be the best Whole 30 recipes, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner! These recipes are all gluten-free, grain-free, and dairy-free!

On Wednesday I shared what a post-Whole 30 day of eats looks like for me. You probably did not notice much of a difference since I am continuing to eat mostly Whole 30-compliant, but I am sure you can understand my little addition of wine.As I was writing up my WIAW post for Wednesday, I realized that over the past 30+ days, I have eaten some darn delicious Whole 30-compliant foods. Some were my own creations, but a lot came about with the help of the Whole 30 cookbook (<– affiliate link) and other bloggers. I did not take pictures of everything, but I found several gems on my camera from the past month. Today I am sharing a slightly different Friday Foodie Favorites post with you in honor of all things Whole 30. Following are the recipes that I deem to be “The Best Whole 30 Recipes” …or at least the best ones to date. I have a feeling I will find plenty more over the coming weeks, months, and years.

I am starting things out with a bang. These Baked Paleo Chicken Tenders from Eating Bird Food are seriously amazing. I am so sad that I am not eating nightshades currently since I cannot make thesedue to the spices used. I may have to come up with my own version that is nightshade-free.

About halfway through the Whole 30, I made Melissa’s Chicken Hash. You can find this recipe on page 228 of the Whole 30 cookbook. I added zucchini and ate this for breakfast, lunch, and brinner. You have to love a recipe that is so versatile.

Oh look! Another Whole 30 cookbook recipe. When Jeremy was visiting me a few weeks ago, we cooked up Homemade Sausage, which can be found on page 208 of the cookbook. I love the simplicity of this recipe and enjoyed having several breakfasts pre-made for the week. I made mine with pork, but ground chicken or turkey would be great, too!

One of my ultimate comfort foods is my dad’s meatloaf. Since I am currently eating nightshade-free, it was a bit of a no-go. Luckily, I recently found this Egg-Free, Tomato-Free Paleo Meatloaf. I made it with a pound of grass-fed ground beef and a pound of ground turkey (no liver for this girl right now). I also added in mushrooms and left out the paprika, cayenne pepper, molasses, and fish sauce (I could not find any without added sugar). While I missed having a tomato/ketchup-based sauce on top, this was really good. It made about eight servings, which was perfect for a week of meals and leftovers for my freezer. It thawed and reheatedperfectly.

Here is another perfect example of a recipe that Iloved, but cannot eat right now since I am nightshade-free. This Chicken Sausage and Peppers with Sweet Potato “Dirty Rice”dish from Inspiralized was seriously delicious. I used sliced chorizo in place of the chicken sausage and added in some zucchini from my fridge. Both were great additions. This was definitely on the spicier side, so if you are not a fan of spicy foods, you will want to stick with the chicken sausage. Who knew you could make rice out of sweet potatoes? Not me. But I love it!

I whipped up thisRatatouillefrom the Whole 30 cookbook (page 288) right after it arrived in the mail. I was not doing the Whole 30 at the time, but was trying to prep my body for the changes. I loved the immense amount of veggies in the recipe, and the sauce was super flavorful. Oh, and topping it off with acouple of fried eggsis always a good idea.

Apparently I have a thing for chicken? Next time you are at the grocery store, be sure to pick up some ground chicken. This was my first time cooking with it, but I am now obsessed with these Chicken Meatballs. You can find the full recipe on page 226 of the Whole 30 cookbook. I even ate these for breakfast one day and felt 100% satisfied.

I think this recipe might win out for the “made most often” award during my 30 days. It probably doesn’t hurt that I am currently quite obsessed with my spiralizer. I made Inspiralized’s Parsnip Noodles with Tuna and a Fried Egg at least three times during my Whole 30. Towards the end, I realized that adapting it with simple changes worked just as well as the original recipe. In the photo above, you will see that I used both parsnip and sweet potato noodles. I also subbed in canned salmon for the canned tuna. The original is delicious, and so was this adapted version. However you make it, make it!

I decided to round out this post with one of my very own Whole 30-compliant recipes. It’s my recipe for Chocolate Banana Coconut Chia Pudding. Have you tried it yet? It is amazing topped off with some nut/seed butter, fruit, and cacao nibs. Oh, and you can make it the night before so breakfast on the go is a cinch!

Finally, here are a couple of additional recipes that I have already mentioned in past Friday Foodie Favorites posts, but that I think deserve a second look:

Dump Ranch
Almost 5 Ingredient Pizza Spaghetti Pie

Have a great weekend, all!

These are the best Whole 30 recipes! #glutenfree #Paleo #foodie Click To Tweet

What are you favorite Whole 30 recipes? Please share the links in the comments.

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The Best Whole 30 Recipes (2024)
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