Recipe: Tom Yum Pasta with King Prawns + WORLDFOODS Giveaway (2024)

I love creating fusion pasta dishes in my kitchen. This time, I making tom yum pasta with king prawns, using WORLDFOODS Thai tom yum paste. I have cooked with this paste before (made seafood tom yum soup) and I really like how spicy, tangy and appetizing it is.

Recipe: Tom Yum Pasta with King Prawns + WORLDFOODS Giveaway (1)

Whenever I create a fusion pasta dish like this, I will work out the best ingredients to pair it with. I am using king prawns (with their tails intact), as well as some roasted cherry tomatoes, and the sauce base includes fresh ingredients such as onion, lemongrass and kaffir lime to further enhance the flavour of the paste.For those who prefer their tom yum tangy, you can serve some calamansi lime (limau kasturi) halves on the side which they can squeeze over just before eating.

Recipe: Tom Yum Pasta with King Prawns + WORLDFOODS Giveaway (2)

This was a successful creation - the al dente spaghetti is nicely coated with slightly spicy and tangy tom yum sauce and it is especially fragrant, thanks to the finely sliced lemongrass and kaffir lime leaves. The sourness of the sauce is nicely balanced by the sweetness of the king prawns, and the mint leaf garnish leaves a nice, fresh aftertaste. Also love how quick and easy this is to prepare!

Recipe: Tom Yum Pasta with King Prawns + WORLDFOODS Giveaway (3)

Yum yum, says Baby D

Recipe: Tom Yum Pasta with King Prawns + WORLDFOODS Giveaway (4)


Once again, thanks to WORLDFOODS, I have 2 bottles of this Thai tom yum paste to giveaway. All you need to do is leave a comment below stating "I want to enter this giveaway" with your name and e-mail address. This giveaway is open to Malaysia only. 2 winners will be drawn (1 bottle each) at random on 21 April 2014 (after 12 noon) and notified via email. Those who have entered previously can enter again :)

And thewinners of the giveaway are: Ken (No.9) and Azlinawati Munajat (No.17).Thanks to all who entered! Please reply to the email that I have sent to you.

Recipe: Tom Yum Pasta with King Prawns + WORLDFOODS Giveaway (5)

Note: WORLDFOODS products are food allergens free, trans-fat free and gluten free with no artificial preservatives, coloring or flavouring, as well as being suitable for vegetarians, vegans, coeliacs and Muslims. In KL, WORLDFOODS products are available at Village Grocer (Bangsar Village 1, Sunway Giza, Mt Kiara), Jaya Grocers (Intermark, Empire Shopping, Plaza Jelutong) and Hock Choon @ Ampang.

Tom yum pasta with king prawns
Recipe by Baby Sumo
Preparation time: 10-15 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Serves 2


150g spaghetti
40g chicken, minced
8-10 king prawns, peeled and deveined, with tails intact
1 large onion, finely chopped
1 lemongrass,white part only, finely sliced
2 kaffir lime leaves, cut a few slits with scissors (daun limau purut)
2-3 tbsp WORLDFOODS Thai tom yum paste
1 tbsp cooking oil
150ml water
1 tsp fish sauce

To garnish
Mint leaves
6 cherry tomatoes
Olive oil
2 calamansi limes (limau kasturi), halved (optional)

1.Cook spaghetti according to manufacturer's instruction in a large pot of salted water, until al dente (about 8 minutes). Drain and put under cold running water to stop the pasta from cooking further. Set aside.

2. In the wok, heat the oil over medium high heat. Once oil is hot, add the onion and fry for 2-3 minutes until softened. Add the chicken, and cook for a further 1 - 1 1/2 minutes, then add the tom yum paste and fry for another minute until fragrant.

3. Add water and bring to the boil. Add the kaffir lime leaves and lemongrass and simmer gently for 2 minutes. Season with fish sauce.

4. Add prawns and cook for about 1 minute, until cooked through, then add the pasta and give it a quick stir, to coat each strand with the sauce.

5. For the roasted cherry tomatoes, preheat oven to 200°C. Place tomatoes in a tray and drizzle with some olive oil and place into preheated oven for about 4-5 minutes until the skin looks slightly wrinkled. If you do not possess an oven, you can add the tomatoes into the pasta in step 4 (along with the prawns) to let it gently heat through and soften slightly.

5. To serve: Using a two-pronged carving fork, swirl some of the pasta around the fork. Slide the pasta off the fork and mound it in the center of a plate. Repeat for each serving. Divide 4-5 prawns per plate, then garnish with mint leaves and 2-3 roasted tomatoes per plate. Serve immediately.

Recipe: Tom Yum Pasta with King Prawns + WORLDFOODS Giveaway (6)

Recipe: Tom Yum Pasta with King Prawns + WORLDFOODS Giveaway (7)

Recipe: Tom Yum Pasta with King Prawns + WORLDFOODS Giveaway (8)

Recipe: Tom Yum Pasta with King Prawns + WORLDFOODS Giveaway (9)

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Recipe: Tom Yum Pasta with King Prawns + WORLDFOODS Giveaway (2024)
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