Delicious Vegan Hash Brown Omelet Recipe (2024)

Delicious Vegan Hash Brown Omelet Recipe (1)

recipesJan 24, 2018

You know how I feel about my hybrids. I love it when I'm scrolling through Pinterest and I find someone who has created a pie made out of smores, or a cupcake that's a pancake and has coconut bacon on top instead of sprinkles. I love a good cronut, or French Toast made from a Pb and J sandwich. The little kid in me is always excited, because what's better than one of your favorite foods? Well, two of your favorite foods! Enter the hash brown omelet.

I came up with this recipe last week because for once I wasn't craving my usual avocado toast or pb and j toast in the morning. I wanted potatoes and I wanted something savory and then it dawned on me: hash browns, with a vegan omelet batter poured on top, fresh herbs, vegan cheese in the center. Oh boy!

It's ridiculously simple to make, and it will teach you two of the biggest lessons veganism has taught me: You can make ANYTHING vegan! Followed closely by:always keep chickpea flour in the house!

Seriously, this magical flour can help you turn simple staples and veggies you probably always have in your kitchen into amazing dishes that are fun, filling and crowd pleasers to boot!

Are you ready? Let's make some vegan omelettes!

Delicious Vegan Hash Brown Omelet Recipe (2)


Yield: 1-2 servings ⎮ Prep time: 15 minutes ⎮ Cook time: 10 minutes


  • 1 medium potato
  • 1/4 of a red bell pepper, finely diced
  • 1 tablespoon fresh cilantro, parsley or chives
  • Olive oil for the pan
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Vegan cheese shreds (optional) or any other fillings you might like
For the omelet batter:
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/4 cup + 1 tablespoon chickpea flour
  • 1 teaspoon cornstarch
  • 2 pinches of kala namak salt or Indian black salt (optional but delicious)
  • A pinch of salt and pepper


  1. Peel and grate the potato with the thick side of a grater, and squeeze as much water as you can from it with your hands. Place it in a bowl and warm it in the microwave at 30 second increments, stirring in between, doing this 2 or 3 times in total. This will dry out your potato even more and pre cook it so it comes out of the pan perfectly crispy but also cooked through.

  2. Heat a non-stick pan at medium-high heat and add olive oil to coat.

  3. Spread the grated potato across the pan so that all the pieces are touching and can stick together, but so that most of them are also in contact with the pan.

  4. Add a sprinkle of salt and pepper and the diced bell pepper.

  5. Once the potatoes are golden on the bottom, flip them and brown them on the second side.

  6. In the meantime, whisk together all the ingredients for your batter.

  7. Once the potatoes are golden on both sides, pour the batter on top and sprinkle with the fresh herbs.

  8. Add the vegan cheese shreds (or other fillings) over half of the omelet, and once you see that the batter has set and it’s golden on the bottom, flip the empty half over towards the half that has your fillings. Let the cheese melt slightly and serve topped with some extra fresh herbs if desired and some freshly ground pepper. Enjoy!

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Delicious Vegan Hash Brown Omelet Recipe (3)

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Delicious Vegan Hash Brown Omelet Recipe (2024)


Why are hash browns not vegan? ›

In Canada and the UK, McDonald's hash browns are vegan as they do not contain any animal ingredients. In the United States, however, the hash browns are neither vegan nor vegetarian because they are made with beef flavoring (this applies to the french fries, too!).

How do restaurants get hash browns to stick together? ›

Flour and starch are commonly used to help hash browns stick together. You can add an egg if you like, but the flour mix is sufficient.

Should I soak hash browns before frying? ›

Rinse the potatoes.

We want you to soak the potatoes in water, like really slosh them around to release some starch. This helps to avoid that awkwardly raw center between crispy outer layers.

Are Chick-fil-A hash browns vegan? ›

Chick-fil-A's hash browns feature in a lot of its breakfast dishes, all of which are not vegan. But on their own, these mini crispy potato medallions are totally animal-free. This is because, while many fast-food chains cook their potato-based sides in animal fat, Chick-fil-A cooks its hash browns in canola oil.

Can vegans eat McDonald's hash browns? ›

McDonald's Hash Browns are not vegan or vegetarian.

Why won't my hash browns get crispy? ›

Squeezing the shredded potato in a towel or cheesecloth to remove as much moisture as possible helps it brown more evenly. Cooking the shredded potato briefly in the microwave helps it develop a better crust that remains crispy for longer.

What's the difference between hash browns and Southern style hash browns? ›

What is the difference between hash browns and Southern hash browns? Hash browns are shredded potatoes that are fried until crispy and brown with no soft interior. Southern-style hash browns are diced potatoes that are fried until the exterior is crisp and the interior is soft, essentially home fries.

What does Waffle House cook their hash browns in? ›

The reconstituted potatoes are well-drained and cooked on a flat-top griddle with a generous amount of butter-flavored oil.

Where does Chick Fil A get their hash browns? ›

For nearly 40 years, Eagle, Idaho-based potato company Lamb Weston has provided Waffle Potato Fries™ and Hash Browns to Chick-fil-A® restaurants.

How to stop hash browns from falling apart? ›

The biggest culprit that's making your hash browns come apart is moisture. You need to make sure the potatoes are dry before adding them to the flour and egg mixture. Whether you squeeze them out in a dish towel or use a salad spinner, get the potatoes as dry as they can be.

Is it better to fry hash browns in butter or oil? ›

Butter helps both browning and flavor, while oil lowers the smoke point, allowing your pan to do the steady, even cooking needed for perfectly crisped potatoes.

What will prevent the hash browns from becoming crispy? ›

Drain and Dry

Quickly rinse to get any residual starch off, then pat the potatoes down with a towel. You'll want to remove as much moisture as possible because this will prevent your hash browns from getting as crisp as possible.

What kind of pan is best for hash browns? ›

Cast iron skillets get super hot and will give the hash browns the perfect golden, crispy crust. Make sure you use enough oil to coat the bottom of the pan.

Are store bought hash browns vegan? ›

The Answer Is: Sometimes Hash Browns are Vegan

It really depends on the kind of hash browns and how they're prepared. Frozen hash browns may contain dairy, eggs, or other animal ingredients. Some do, some don't. The only way to know for sure is to check the ingredients label.

Why doesn't McDonald's have anything vegan? ›

At its height, the chain's vegan-friendly burger—dubbed the McPlant—was served in 600 restaurants from February to August of 2022 as a test for future markets. Due to slow sales, the burger was not greenlit for a nationwide expansion plan, forcing plant-based patrons to get scrappy when it came to ordering.

Why can't vegans eat chips? ›

Some of the most common ingredients that can make potato chips non-vegan include dairy products like milk, cheese, cream, and buttermilk. You should also be on the lookout for “Natural Flavors,” which may or may not be made using animal products.

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